
The Automotive sector is experiencing days of change. Traditional models are at risk, but opportunities are multiple and increasing.


The Automotive sector is experiencing days of change. Traditional models are at risk, but opportunities are multiple and increasing.

Digital is influencing the industry and mobility is leading to structural changes and the redesign of businesses and lifestyles. Customers have a greater product knowledge and maturity than before due to digital dynamics. The environmental challenges with a focus on electric cars, put pressure on the distribution market, automotive financing and renting companies.

The current strategy is to reduce costs, adapt to new regulations, manage production capacity and manage inventories. Changes in the industry will be driven by the customer and new “lifestyle partners” – their digital devices. The car of the future will be part of an ecosystem that provides value to customers through mobility, communication and information. New competitors are entering this ecosystem with completely different processes, different product life cycles and customer channels.

Customers are more informed, and the selection process is done online. Automotive finance and renting companies are facing new challenges that require them to rethink their business model and internal processes. Only a robust and clear knowledge of the market and its customers, as well as an understanding of trends, will allow them to adopt more effective go- to- market strategies.